Monday, April 23, 2012

the last weeks

i have been the worst blogger ever the last couple weeks! my life the last few days has been quite the interesting combination....

1.  i (finally) handed in my honors thesis in religion so barring any huge missteps, i should now be done with my college capstone experience! if i never read another conservative article about how Islam is going to take over America, i will be a very, very happy camper

2. a bunch of friends and i cooked an enormous easter dinner for "the family" which included me forgetting that the grocery closed on easter sunday and running like a madwoman to buy a perfectly round water-based ham at the quicky mart... all was well though - i dressed up the ham with a mustard and maple glaze, popped it in the oven, and sealed my lips as to its origins. 20 of us crammed into the living room and celebrated together like family was meant to do

3.  i've been applying to jobs like a crazy person and having daily misgivings about my preparedness for real life. i've spent all year anticipating the end of school and now that it's actually happening i feel like im begging time to slow down. i can't believe that in a few weeks i won't be able to walk across the street and into a house full of all my best friends - one of whom is always willing to order pizza and watch a movie with me. i'm definitely going to need a hobby once i start living by my lonesome

4. my final spring party weekend has come and gone. despite bouts of gloomy weather, the weekend was pulled off with no major casualties (with the exception of a little bit of my dignity and a lot of my liver)

so, as you can see, between writing my thesis, pondering my future,  and drinking my life away, there's been little time for wanderlusting.

if all of that was too wordy, here is my last week in pictures:

colgate in the sun

lunch with friends

adventures in the woods

walks with my favorite pup

lots of time in my cubicle

easter dinner with the family

bleacher coffees

coconut cream pies

lots of drinking


more drinking

dancing in the rain

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